Episode 142: Sam’s Notes

The Raking

  • Whatever you say is going to hurt my soul right now
  • Just tell me if I should turn this movie off now
  • The good news is, we’re out of fuel
  • Carla does have a profound grasp of the obvious
  • But now we’re all fighting
  • GULP
  • This is what you get for arguing
  • He’s fine
  • Kid dies of dehydration
  • Now it feels like an Unknown Mysteries or something
  • Sometime later, these pretty college kids are having sex
  • Discount Freddy Prinze Jr
  • We all thank you for turning off the music
  • Is this that kid all grown up?
  • Happy birthday
  • Buzzkill
  • She loves zombies
  • They need a fourth
  • Kennedy wants everything done for her
  • Most important role in this movie is the bouncer
  • Noah is a dweeb
  • Mr. Cooper the TA is in their group
  • I need a drink too
  • Second most important role is the bartender
  • This kid…
  • Casual conversation about murder is funny
  • The TA also doesn’t know the assignment?
  • Roofies?
  • Bartender is like Shrek
  • Kelly looking over their shoulders
  • Kelly is Jade’s sister
  • Their parents like green
  • Apps!
  • Oh, the bouncer let her in
  • Thank goodness we get to have a tampon conversation!
  • Why did they make the dweeby nerd so cute?
  • TA doesn’t want any funny business or radio on this drive
  • Kennedy likes anyone who annoys Jade
  • Kennedy jerking the wheel around like a jerk
  • No one noticed Kelly getting in the back
  • This old coot pulls up
  • Not a good night for camping because… the bugs are out this time of year!
  • Kelly might like Noah
  • Yeah, campfire ghost stories! Whee!
  • Tell us the story about your family…
  • Oh, the hatchet story… lame
  • XTREME closeup!
  • Kennedy and Ethan behind the rocks
  • Yes, what scratched her back?
  • Go go go!
  • Noah doesn’t like being filmed
  • Oh, Ethan grabbed you!
  • Rawr
  • Instead of leaving, let’s just hang out here for a bit
  • Truck?
  • Shakey-cam of Kelly’s butt
  • Why is the car battery dead?
  • Yes, car still isn’t starting
  • Yeah… it left… sure…
  • How did Kelly get dragged off?
  • Thank goodness for that old coot!
  • Come with me if you want to live!
  • It seems like an expensive lighting system on this truck, but it’s really just a couple flashlights belted to the roof
  • Refuses to put the cover on the smoke detector
  • I mean, I guess we want to know what it is….
  • James has a binder of information on The Rake


  • One thing we do know… it’s old.


  • Police… hah!
  • James knows a thing or two about killing…because knife!
  • Hunter by trade
  • There was some story about James’ brother, but I wasn’t paying attention
  • Jade is upset about Kelly… still
  • At least this guy has CFLs… and drugs
  • And a straight razor he apparently hasn’t used in a while
  • Don’t do it Jade?
  • The 911 operator is in the same room as you
  • Ethan can’t explain what’s happening to the operator, words escape him
  • An hour, what are we supposed to do till then? I don’t know, Spades?
  • We’re safe as long as the lights stay on
  • Lights go out in 3… 2… 1…
  • The good news is, Kelly is still alive
  • Not helping James
  • Really ill-fitting mask
  • James yells at the camcorder like a weirdo
  • It definitely wasn’t quick
  • Noah is getting personal with Jade
  • Noah’s dad died, none of us are sad
  • Someone’s here
  • Sorry man, all my flashlights are tied to the truck
  • Woah, pump the breaks bro
  • Noah is a man too! But nobody cares about Noah.
  • Stepping into the darkness… and history
  • Boo!
  • How did you lose the flashlight?
  • Back-to-back, like bros
  • Whatever you do,  don’t move with anything resembling speed
  • You should start running now
  • Those who can’t run without tripping must die
  • Tug-a-war with Noah
  • The flare is gone already
  • Noah hugs James
  • Don’t worry Kennedy, you won’t lose him that easily, he’s the director! And the writer! And the star!
  • Okay, I won’t thank you yet.
  • Jade really doesn’t care about Noah
  • Awww… you skinned your knee. Want me to kiss it better?
  • As long as everyone here knows that Jade isn’t into Noah
  • Noah sits down next to Ethan… “I feel like I’ve been to war…”
  • Aww… James is a big softie
  • Noah kills the lights by plugging in his phone charger and no everyone hates Noah… more.
  • I am 100% certain a few candles are not enough light
  • Jade is still in the bathroom because she really had to go
  • We all agreed we’re locking James out of the house, right? Good plan.
  • Everyone watching James from the window…
  • Who puts the fuse box on the OUTSIDE of the house? Idiots.
  • Teehee!
  • Stop messing around out there you naughty kids!
  • So, he still didn’t get the power on
  • Just going to put this down deliberately and stride off into the night
  • Shoot the cameraman!
  • He forgot to load the gun? What kind of hunter is this guy?
  • How did James get up to the window with no one seeing him crawl up?
  • The Rake hates wifebeaters
  • We’re all looking at Ethan because he’s the TA
  • We could burn the house down, James doesn’t need it anymore
  • This creature is not very stealthy
  • Yes, we all know The Rake doesn’t like light!
  • I found some Ambien!
  • A flashlight without batteries is like wood without matches
  • Did anyone lock the door?
  • Why do we care if there’s film in the camera?
  • Jade, you go first, we care about you next least to gimpy Noah
  • Boo!
  • Noah’s done some shit
  • Ah, there’s that smoke detector cover! I knew that would pay off
  • Noah dies, surprising no one
  • Jade cares, surprising everyone
  • Walk it off, Jade!
  • Too much tug-of-war in this movie
  • Jade, why are you crying so much?
  • Just give me the C4 and run, I’ll take care of this
  • Jade dies, surprising no one
  • Kennedy cares, surprising everyone
  • So far, Ethan hasn’t shed a tear over any of these last four people dying
  • Oh what, now the door is locked?
  • The Rake is talking through Kennedy
  • Wait, that Rake barely touched the kid
  • Yeah bro, let her go
  • Kennedy dies, surprising no one
  • Ethan is cool
  • But the Rake missed all arteries in Kennedy’s neck, so she’ll be okay, except for never being able to talk again
  • Awww… Ethan’s birthday gift from Kennedy is… tickets to a country music concert? WTF!
  • Finally Ethan bites it… I guess?