The Colony/The Advanced Guard
- Sci-Fi Channel, woohoo!
- City!
- Traffic!
- Nakedness!
- She’s never had popcorn before?
- Police cars skidding, and cops running up stairs
- Did the cop have to crash through the window?
- The cops going down the stairs made it down there before the guy on the fire escape
- Poof
- Frozen people, “The reports were accurate” uh, what?
- “She told us to stay”
- What, more credits?
- I’m bored.
- Just digging around in a corpse
- Those gloves are monstrously too large
- And he’s still alive
- There’s a timeline
- Just run the damned diagnostic! Christ!
- (7:08) “I don’t understand your fascination with these things, they’re too hard to work with, they’re too small, and they’re outdated.”
- Those aren’t real guts
- That’s probably a green screen
- Oh, it’s a robot thing, that explains everything
- Isn’t this the dad from Good Luck Charlie?
- Charlie is like a bored teenager
- So they’re all robots
- (12:48) “This penetration will be like none other”
- She did her job and brought back the data
- She laughed, mockingly
- Yeah, what about the bonus?
- “18 first penetrations”
- Worst costumes ever
- Beamed down!
- Like rats, they crawl out of the sewer
- Of course they’re in Los Angeles
- Yeah, we want non-compliant humans
- Let’s get drunk!
- Assaulting the homeless
- Don’t mistreat the humans! Even though the armada is coming to exterminate the planet
- Yup, it’s literally “Bar”
- Oh, it’s that guy!
- Don’t they want people they can’t control?
- I don’t know, stuff happens, people taken captive…
- Doing experiments on the compliant one
- And now the less compliant one
- She doesn’t want to hurt people
- Lecture about doing right
- No differences in the brains
- This leader guy is really impatient
- Back in the cell, that sure is a conveniently huge ventilation passage right there in the cell
- What do they want from us?
- This device is actually going to kill them
- Wow, she is really trying to save their lives
- Slicing his arm open
- I get your ruse…
- The old pocketknife in the door trick
- Sneaking around the ship
- Bad stage slap
- How do you know these things aren’t on our side?
- Awww
- Captured again
- We’re not going to die
- You want to know about the first time I kissed a gir?
- Ah, back to the dancing near-naked woman… who is definitely not 13
- You seriously peed when you saw a naked girl?
- Are you trying to come on to this girl?
- Laura is strapped down to a death machine
- I couldn’t let her die, I just told her about how I peed in the tub!
- Harper gives them all sorts of information
- This plan seems extremely risky
- Harper kisses Kevin
- And back to mostly naked woman with a dude
- Kevin lets Desmond out
- Escape detected
- Fred wants to take them back
- Are you annihilating them or taking them as slaves?
- Love is the factor?
- They figured out how the control works/doesn’t work
- Fight with Charlie
- Run into Bravo
- Shoot Bravo
- Hacker fight!
- Kill the bad aliens
- Why does she keep kissing him?
- Alpha is dead
- Desmond fights Bravo again, and wins, I guess
- Laura is back
- Well, this is awkward
- Worst spaceship explosion ever
- I guess we’re all friends now
Calling this The Colony makes no sense