Bryan, Sam, and the Golden Shrimp aren’t safe in the woods during this review of Goatsucker.
Episode Notes:
Sam’s Notes
Bryan, Sam, and the Golden Shrimp aren’t safe in the woods during this review of Goatsucker.
Episode Notes:
Sam’s Notes
Bryan and Sam get lost in a primitive world, where no one knows what is going on, in this review of The Veil.
Bryan and Sam are putting together makeshift weapons just in case the monsters really are coming in this review of They Look Like People.
Bryan and Sam escape reality for a virtual deathmatch in this review of The Call Up. This time it’s for real… Maybe.
Bryan and Sam question the meaning of life and other stuff in this review of Somnus.
Episode Notes:
Sam’s Notes
Sam is trying to decide why Bryan said “I Had A Bloody Good Time At House Harker”
Bryan and Sam wonder if they should follow the mysterious messages left on their bedroom windows in this review of Love and Time Travel (aka Chronesthesia).
Bryan, Sam, and guest host Dav invade the Earth with a fleet of space blimps in this review of Iron Sky.
Episode Notes:
Sam’s Notes
Bryan and Sam will never see Santa the same after this review of All Through The House. Jingle Balls.
Episode Notes:
Sam’s Notes
Bryan and Sam make a documentary of this review of The Scenesters.