Category: Episodes
Episode 96: Invaders From Mars
Episode Notes:
Sam’s Notes
Episode 95: The Gate
Bryan and Sam accidentally summon the elder gods and then have fun with rocketry in this review of The Gate.
Episode Notes:
Sam’s Notes
Episode 94: Game Over, Man!
Bryan and Sam don their Skintendo suits and fight off the terrorists in this review of Game Over, Man!
Episode 93: Spectral
Faced with an unstoppable enemy, Bryan and Sam science the hell out of this review of Spectral.
Episode 92: Blackwater
Episode Notes:
Sam’s Notes
Episode 91: Anon
Bryan and Sam hack your memories and get lost in the Ether in this review of Anon.
Episode 90: Alpha Gateway
Bryan and Sam record from an alternate universe in this review of Alpha Gateway.
Episode 89: The Devil’s Carnival
Bryan and Sam wake up in a musical Hell circus to confront their poor life choices in this review of The Devil’s Carnival.
Episode 88: Wristcutters: A Love Story
Bryan and Sam embark on an epic journey of self discovery only to end up spooning on a beach littered with used needles and condoms in this review of Wristcutters: A Love Story